Our Research

Empowering individuals to transition to sustainable energy usage with an innovative AI-powered monitoring system, fostering conscious consumption and supporting the shift to a greener future.

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What Was the Problem

The core problem we aimed to address was the growing energy consumption, particularly in developed countries, and its detrimental effects on the environment. Despite advancements in renewable energy, the public's understanding of energy use and its impact remained limited. This knowledge gap was a significant barrier to changing consumption habits. The 2000 Watt Society’s goal of reducing energy use to 2000 watts per person per day without compromising quality of life was both ambitious and inspiring. The challenge was to find practical methods to help people achieve this reduction in energy consumption while maintaining their standard of living. 

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What Was the Brief We Developed

Our brief was to develop a holistic tool that could track and visualize embodied energy consumption and carbon footprint across various aspects of daily life, including home, transportation, and food. We aimed to make sustainable living easier and more appealing by creating systems and tools that provided clear, actionable insights into energy use. Our goal was to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, encouraging people to adopt more sustainable habits through user-friendly and engaging solutions. 

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What We Wanted to Research

We wanted to research how people consume energy in their daily lives and identify the pain points that prevent them from adopting more sustainable behaviors. Our focus was on understanding user preferences and behaviors, developing automated tools for tracking energy consumption, and exploring the potential of AI and big data to provide personalized feedback and recommendations. We sought to create a system that was both comprehensive and easy to use, making sustainable choices accessible to a broader audience. 

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Why We Thought It Was Important

We believed this research was crucial because reducing energy consumption is a key factor in mitigating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. By developing tools that make it easier for individuals to understand and manage their energy use, we could help drive significant behavioral change. Our approach aimed to empower people with the knowledge and tools they needed to make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future. 

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How We Got There

Our journey began with first-person perspective research. We started by tracking our own energy usage to gain firsthand insights into the practical challenges and potential solutions. This was followed by surveys and community engagement in the Netherlands, UK, and Spain to gather public perceptions on energy usage and interest in tracking devices. Collaborative design sessions with fellow students and designers provided diverse perspectives on energy consumption and tracking methods. 

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How We Developed It

The development process involved several stages:

1. First-Person Tracking: We began by tracking our own energy usage to identify practical challenges and potential solutions.

2. Surveys and Community Engagement: Conducting surveys in different countries to gather public perceptions and interest in energy tracking.

3. Collaborative Design Sessions: Engaging with fellow students and designers to gain diverse perspectives and refine our approach.

4. AI Integration: Developing an AI-powered platform using GPT-4 to automate data processing and provide personalized feedback.

5. Hardware Development: Creating an energy monitor and a transportation tracker to automate data collection and provide real-time insights. 

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What Did We End Up With

We ended up with the WattWise project, a holistic tool that combines automation with user engagement to address both the knowledge gap and practical challenges of energy tracking. The AI-powered platform, accessible via a Telegram chat interface, offers a human-like interaction that is easy to integrate into daily life. The energy monitor simplifies data collection, and the transportation tracker provides comprehensive insights into various aspects of energy usage. This dual approach ensures that users can easily understand and manage their energy consumption without feeling overwhelmed. 

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What’s Next

1. Broader Testing: We aim to gather more feedback from a wider audience to refine the tool and ensure its effectiveness across diverse user groups.

2. Gamification: Exploring gamification strategies to increase long-term engagement and make energy tracking more enjoyable.

3. Business Applications: Considering a shift towards life cycle assessment tools for designers, providing a valuable resource for sustainable product development.

4. Scalability: Transitioning to a free model like Llama to make WattWise more accessible and adaptable to different geographic and cultural contexts. 

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WattWise has been an incredible journey of exploration and innovation in energy consumption and sustainability. By integrating AI and creating user-friendly tools, we can significantly impact daily energy habits and contribute to a more sustainable future. Our ongoing efforts will focus on expanding and refining WattWise to ensure it remains relevant, effective, and accessible for a diverse user base. Together, we believe that we can help individuals and communities make more informed, sustainable choices, driving the global transition towards a greener future. 

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